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An exercise in thoroughness

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Archive for October, 2008


Wednesdays are always sort of a litmus test for my week.  If sessions go well, it bodes well for Friday sessions.  Today’s only went so/so, and I’m not entirely sure how to fix it.  The material we’re going over is really technical and not particularly exciting, so I’m really just reviewing things that happened with the homeworks last week and how those went.  Sadly, I think the kids who come to session really do get the swing of things by the end, but when sessions are that boring and tedious no one really wants to come.  I only had maybe 15 kids today, instead of the usual 20-25, and even my most participation-happy girls were a little moribund.  I even had silly Samoan music to play to kick the start off, but everyone seemed so surly about the topic in general it didn’t help any.  I think the groupwork last week helped, but I’m just not sure how you do this stuff in groups.  Oh well.

Also put all my reading to get done for next week in my beloved Tasque (via my also very beloved Remember the Milk) and it’s looking a little dismal this week. Graduate school is great, and the other night I think I put it to Lewis pretty well. It’s all about it being 10:00 on a weekday, and you feeling exhausted in every cell of your body. And this exhaustion is itself somewhat uplifting, because you feel like you’ve faught a hard and worthy battle and given it all your best. It’s not the same exhausting as working the regular 9-to-5. So much of my day is self-determined, and there’s no real external repercussions for whether I perform well or not. I guess what it comes down to is that no one works myself harder than me, and when you pick the ways in which you work yourself, you don’t waste a lot of time doing stuff you don’t think it worthwhile.

I guess that should be a lesson to myself. I could work harder at this TA thing. I think I can figure out how to make it more entertaining while still being informative and practice-centric. And at the end of the day… it’s the working hard that matters between me and myself. Whew. This whole grad school thing is a little less like fun-fun going to school times, and more like an interminable endurance race. Keep hitting those mile markers, and this quarter will be over with some measure of success. And several thousand mile markers later, I come out somewhere with a PhD. Right?


Hey, it’s my 91st post!  This post-every-day thing seems to be taking hold.  And what an exciting three months it’s been in the life of me, too.  Yay.

Pretty decent day today.  Got through classes.  Lewis had a presentation to give in 260 which went well!  Mine is in two more weeks, but it doesn’t seem to be much of a big deal.  Only non-final presentation I’ve got to do this quarter, so I won’t complain.  It’s really a pretty work-free quarter, other than the mass of required reading for all my classes.  Wonder what I’ll be up to next quarter.   I think we register pretty soon, actually.  Egad!

So anyway, came home after classes and got my lesson plan for tomorrow hammered out.  I hope it goes alright.. we’re sort of just going over old homework questions, which isn’t super cool, but given how many of them got them wrong on the homework (ie, more than 90%) it looks really necessary to do.  I had Lewis get me a little up to speed on syntax, too, and did the homework trees the kids have to do for this Friday’s homework so I’ve got a grip on what the phrase structure rules this book is using are.  Had a few little syntax debates over stuff, and it was nice to hear that the stuff I found a little odd or non-intuitive about this classes trees were not me being dumb, but more that I wasn’t taught trees this way.  Woot.  Nice to know we’ll be through syntax in no time!

Had a tea and cribbage night with Ben afterwords and it was really nice.  It’s good to be forced to take some time off now and again, and it’s also nice to feel like I’m getting really natural-like comfortable with Lewis’ friends.  I even managed a 20-point hand!  Was feeling rather loopy after all the reading and thinking and planning I did this afternoon, so I hope I didn’t do anything too uncouth.  But whatever.  It’s Daily Show and bed time.

Cordless Wireless Thoughtless Something

I want to get my wireless keyboard fully functioning in the ol’ Linux.  This is apparently troublesome.  Something about USB, blah-blah whatever.  I got pretty close tonight, but I should really know better than to start futzing around with Linux stuff right before bedtime.  When I’m supposed to be reading a paper anyway!

Today was pretty bonus, as Lewis would say.  Got up early enough to do a little library research this morning from the comfort of my own desk.  (Non-non-heinous side note, saw a rat jump out of our grape vine from own-desk-adjacent window… eech.)  Got to campus with enough time to have lunch with my sweetie, then bust over to class.  Class was pretty good, though it’s a little freaky learning syntax in a non-binary branching way.  Lewis and I talked it over a bit this afternoon though, and I think the kids will be more into it this way.  Hit up the co-op on our way home (I love you, co-op!) where we ran into our next door neighbor who very nicely offered to drive some of our copious groceries home.  Managed to fit all our business in our own bike bags though, and came home with quite a bounty.  I like the bi-weekly mondo shopping trip, even if it’s rather expensive.  Takes a bit of money to feed two point five mouths, I guess.

Oo.. also called my grandmother – it’s her 75th birthday!  Yay!  Talked to her on the phone a bit, which was very nice.  Don’t know why I don’t call my grandmother, but I suspect none of us grandkids do… she’s very lovable but with a gruff demeanor that sometimes makes you feel like she’s got nothing to say to you.  That sounds more callous than I intend it, but these subtle family relations are hard to explain.  I think my grandma is a little lonely, and very much used to being someone… inconsequential.   She sounded so surprised that so many people would be calling her on her important birthday.  Like a whistle-stop town getting a presidential visit.  She’s very dear.

I’m not sure whose idea it was to put the cat box in the office (sadly, probably mine) but given the state of air quality in here at the moment, I think I had better go to bed instead of blathering on any longer.  Yuck.

… the tags on this post are delightful.

Hack, hack

Nothing sucks the brain matter right out your ear faster than grading homework.  It’s like trying to imagine what 75 different people all who only sort of understand what they’re talking about try and convince you that both their theoretical underpinnings (under + pin + ing + s) and execution are correct.  And when I say, “it’s like”, what I mean is “it is.”

I realized halfway through my day today that I feel like I’ve been sick all weekend without being sick.  I’m going to call that psychologically exhausted.  Intellectually exhausted.  Something involving exhaust.  ex + haust.  psych + o + log + ic + al + ly.  Look at all those morphemes!   Anyway.  I think I’m running on empty, effortally speaking.  I took two naps this weekend!  Both rather necessary.   Today’s was outside, in the fresh air and sunshine.  I woke up and my hand was asleep.  For all that I’ve been freezing all weekend (scary Davis is down in the 60s and 70s these days!) it was so warm and sunny outside, I had to ditch my scarf and slippers and everything.  Yummy sunshine. (yum+my sun+shine).  I also made our acorn squash.. stuff it with quinoa and raisins and walnuts and stuff.  It was so delicious.  I should have taken a picture!  My blog is so sad and texty lately.  (late + ly).

I failed to plant any bulbs this weekend though it was my secret project I’d been waiting to do all week.  I hate it when the weekend rolls around and all I’ve got time for is work, which is all I have time for any other day.  I guess what I’m trying to say is… I’m ready for a weekend.  A real, honest-to-goodness do-whatever-I-want-all-day day, if not a whole two days.  The deeper we get into this quarter, the less likely that seems to be.  I’ve got sociolinguistic interviews to conduct.  Papers to grade, homeworks to grade (sorry spell checker, homeworks is a count noun for me now), midterm to write… Sigh.  And at some crazy distant future… my own papers to write.  A literature review to lead.  And two presentations.  Before December 10th.  It’s both far away, and quickly approaching.  They don’t kid around with this quarters stuff in the ol’ graduate school.  (grad + u + ate school (monomorphemic)).

Serendipitously, my Monday meetings have been moved to Wednesdays, so I only my TA class to attend.  That’s 50-minutes of required work total on the Mondays.  That pretty much makes Monday part of the weekend, with the added bonus of also forcing me to go to campus and maybe get more work done.  Yep.  If I’m smart, I’ll go to campus early (as in, before class) and get the papers I need copied so that I can come home right after my class.  A whole afternoon off would be so nice.  And I don’t really have all that much to do tomorrow, anyway.  Work-wise.  By “not that much” what I’m trying to say is “the usual amount that will take me all day but at least nothing is late yet”.

On the double-plus side… it’s bed time.  Bed time is my favorite time of day.  If I’ve been good, and I almost always have, it means I can look at my clock, say, “no more work today!  it’s bed time!” and go to bed with a fairly clear conscious.  Or at least one that knows that sleep is more important than staying up late and getting ahead of schedule.  Yessiree.  Lets try and keep it that way.  Though the pull to be ahead of schedule is pretty strong.

Okay, I’ve only got two things left to say:  honk.  shoe.

Suspended Animation

Didn’t blog yesterday… got home from doing my two friday sections and pretty much crashed.  Sessions went well, but not as well as my Wednesday one.   I think there are some things I can work on to fix that this week, but it’s more of a problem with timing, I think, than anything else, since they turn their homeworks on Fridays just prior to coming to class.  But whatever.  This will change in a couple of weeks anyway when homework switches to Mondays.  Yay.

Spent a few hours last night, and most of all day today grading homeworks.  I was supposed to get some reading done for my own classes but alas, it wasn’t to be.  This has really been another one of those slogged-through-the-day sort of days where there’s nothing I feel like I’m ready to blog about.  Though we did manage to hange a few pictures today, and tidied up most the house.  But really, when that’s your day’s big notable accomplishment… nada mucho to say.  Doubley so when it’s uncooth to talk about the silly things my students are doing in their work!  Much enjoyment on that front!

Well, here’s to sleeping in clean sheets, and for tomorrow being a new day.  The weather is decidedly fall-like, I’m excited about autumn, and my classes, and my life.  And when your days are all the same, those are the important things to keep in mind.  Look at how optomistic I’m feeling!  Great success.

Flat tire, flat day

Nothing spectactular happened today.  I got up early, somewhat hung over from last night’s celebratory escapade.  I did morning chores, my least favorite of all chores, though this set ending deliciously in a mango smoothie.

Tire went completely flat half way to campus, and there wasn’t really any fixing it at the time.  So I walked it to campus.  I was pretty late to class, but I think I handled it fairly well considering I’m normally freaking out about being on time.  Thank goodness for Lewis, both for being adoreable and supportive, as well as for busting it to class for me so I could feel like missing class wasn’t really “missing” it.  We were discussing a paper I didn’t really get and I was really interested to hear what was going on.  Turns out… I still don’t totally get it.  And I still think I might right my final paper using it.  Har.  Why do I do these things to myself?

Fixed tire after lunch, got some reading done and some librarying, and came home and crashed.  Been feeling really down ever since I got home, and I mostly think it’s just that I’m exhausted.  In fact, it’s just past nine.. but I think I’m headed off to bed anyway.  I just can’t deal with having any more day in my day.  But on the plus side, we got some evening chores done, like getting kitty new food and dropping crazy old film off to be developed… and I got the whole kitchen cleaned.  Woot.

For as tired as I am… I really wish tomorrow weren’t my big two-section TA day.  I guess this is why I wasn’t supposed to volunteer for Friday sessions.  Whatever.


(Half) bottle of wine.  Too inebriated, or tired, to post for really.  Let me sum up my day:

I.  Freaking.  Rocked.  My.  Section!

They should pretty much hire me right now.  C’mon, linguists!  I’m ready to go!

Then I came home, celebrated with Lewis, and talked politics all night.  Why am I still awake?!



I think it might have been a productive day.  If only I could remember what I’ve done.

Ah yes.  I got up early.  And I went to class.  I turned in my first homework(!) and survived my lectures.  I lunched with Lewis, and got all my materials prepared for tomorrow’s first big TA session.  Then I started reading some insane phonology paper and was joyously saved by the presidential debate.  Watched the debate and made delicious spicy dirty rice.  Returned to phonology paper.  Lost my mind.

I am now going to bed.  And I wan’t no more of your crazy beta-sounds or phonetic equivalent classes, Hockett.  You crazy old man.

Crushing (tiny) dreams

Well, Laurie, it’s Monday.  Night.  You made it!

Sadly, Mondays are my easiest day.  I only have TA stuff to do today, no sections, and no classes.  But for all that, I got a heck of a lot done.  Woke up early-ish, and got a paper read.  Made a reaaaaally good roast beef sandwich and got myself to campus.  Class went well, and I got a chance to finish grading the homeworks this afternoon.  Had our weekly TAs meeting, which at least left me feeling like I’ve got a bit of an idea what to do in sections this week.  We’re moving our meetings to Wednesdays, actually, which makes me a little worried about getting instructions for that weeks section right before we meet… but I think we’ll be fine.

Came home just in time to go with Lewis to take the Boo to the vet.  We were going to get him all vaccinated for his outdoor activities these days.  Got a little distracted by the vet, though, who confirmed my suspicions that Mr. Boo shouldn’t be an outdoor kitty without claws.  So Lewis and I hemmed and hawed for a while and finally decided it was time to curtail his outdoor activities, mostly for his own safety, but a bit (I must admit) for our pocket book as well.  Can’t afford much in the way of expensive vet visits or vaccine regimes… but I think it’ll all be okay.  Boo wasn’t “utilizing” the outdoors much when we weren’t out there already, and what little he did outside of our yard has so far been getting in trouble and getting into fights.  No es bueno.  Compound this with the worry I was having about him being an outdoor kitty and Lewis’ mom’s cat Myles just having been diagnosed with FIV… I’m feeling okay about this decisions.  It is going to be a little heart breaking trying to get Boo to understand he can’t go outside any more.  He was awfully cute prowling around out there.

Post-vet, I made dinner and chatted up Lewis about Trubetzkoi.  Got our laundry folded (we’re going to be all wrinkly this week… oh well).  I also made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!  They’re rather tasty.  All cakey and chocolatey.  Got the grades uploaded into the gradebook, Lewis finished our draft of the homework for tomorrow, and all I have left to do is print that out, and get myself to bed.  And lo, it’s sounding pretty great right about now.


I made roast beef tonight.  i did not realize this was possible until I had already done it.  I can’t wait to make myself some juicy sandwich action this week!

Other triumps today include (but are not limited to) attending a friend’s tea/bithday party, doing the laundry, mowing the lawn, and paying some bills.  Of the nontriumphant, I’ll only mention that the Boo got in a fight with a cat the neighbor (in whose yard said fight broke out) says fights with everybody.  He got a little scratch on his nose.  But tomorrow, Lewis will take him to the vet and get him the vaccines he should have to be an outdoor kitty.  Woot.

I’m not feeling very ready for Monday.  Let this be a lesson that my weekends need to be more restorative and less intense.  Word.