Lewis’ Blog

30 March 2010

Of mice, people, oranges, and of love

Filed under: animals, plants, self — Tags: — lewis @ 9:59 pm

While I’m posting old things, here is another from my notebook, also written last year.

I hold an orange, ruby light of the sky refracts through it.  My hands, articulate, separate sections off the orange and bring them to my mouth, the mind comprehending all, trying to articulate in turn this experience (never rest!)

A tree has made this orange, crafted it, constructed it to be sweet and delicate, protected in its leathery shell, like a secret whose sweet solution I have learned from my ancestors.  But the tree makes this fruit.  It is a creator which inherited this task from its ancestors, and each fruit contains seeds, which may continue the tree’s line.

It makes the fruit out of habit — no longer are the fruits harvested in the wild and the seeds spread by careless rodentia.  The tree’s family succeeds not by attracting rodents but by contract with humans, who will continue the persistence of this tree’s family as long as it pleases them to eat their fruit.

As the mouse gathers the nut and stores it for food and procreation of the nut’s species — as this is advantageous for mouse and nut, so it is advantageous for us to take to each other.  To find and be found, pluck and be plucked, to keep home together, for pleasure and to pass our seed.  The human procreative relationship is reciprocal, and warm, creating a mutually beneficial situation that is the bosom of our children.  Thus is love arisen, does it emerge from this earth.

22 September 2007

a feed, and a bat

Filed under: animals, nature — Tags: — lewis @ 12:00 pm

Two interesting if somewhat disjunct events:

I’ve successfully made an rss feed for this blog, which you can find here. Much perl under the bridge for that… [ADDENDUM: This post pointed to an old, now dead feed. The new feed, which Wordpress and not I have created, is here, though probably the new-fangled contraption of your choice can already tell you that.]

A bat is attempting to take up residence in our stairwell. Just one bat. We were coming home last night and he flew right out over Laurie’s head. Very exciting…

He was there again this morning, but we scared him closing the door. It’s probably better if he stays away, since it wouldn’t be the most restful of bat caves, though otherwise it’s a pretty good environment. Warm and full of bugs. Delicious bugs.

He hasn’t come back since this morning, and I’m kinda hoping he’s found a better place to live. But if we see him again I’ll try to get a picture for the blog. The blog that has a feed!

The promised posts about cat and typewriter are on their way. Until then, friends, adieu.

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