what a different two months make!
Hey, it’s our 7th anniversary! And for our 7th anniversary this year, we have a 5-month-old! Telia has been a busy little baby lately. She has been busy sitting up, riding in her Ergo, napping in her Ergo, eating rice cereal, spreading rice cereal all over tarnation, and drinking water from her sippy-cup. As to language development, she went through a raspberry-noise phase and is currently having lots of fun making sing-songy squeaky sounds with her larynx. And just this week she cut two teeth! We’ve also been going on some pretty big adventures. We went to a big birthday party in Oakland (happy birthday to Martha, Eric, Laura, Claire, Dylan and Andrew!), and a wedding at the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley (congratulations Laurel and Ed!). We even spent 3 nights at Stinson Beach! Life is very exciting.
In other news, Laurie got a paper published in the Journal of Neurolinguistics, and is just about done teaching LIN 103A for Summer Session 1. Lewis may or may not be teaching LIN 103B starting next week—he won’t know for sure until tomorrow. Yikes!
And we’re having a great anniversary. Taking some time to hang out together, write this blog post—Laurie’s even making cookies! She also got Lewis a fantastic Zenith C845L tube radio from 1960, and Lewis got her a handful of German-made brass pencil sharpeners to complement her collection of fancy pencils. Again, life is very exciting!
And now, the pictures you’ve been waiting for so patiently:
- we learned how to use our sippy cup!
- getting some work done with our new Ergo
- hanging out with Mommy and Watson
- singing with Lajos
- some light reading over lunch
- relaxing massage with Daddy
- why, hello!
- tummy time glee!
- joyful times in our tiny chair!
- looking up at Mommy
- examining Honey Bear
- the cutest hoodie?
- relaxing on the couch
- hanging out with cousin Melissa
- Lewis’ three favorite ladies!
- mmm tasty Sophie the Giraffe
- hanging out on the couch with Sophie
- Grandma Casey came to take care of me while Daddy was in DC!
- visiting the chickens with Grandpa Lawyer
Pictures from Stinson Beach to follow!
July 30th, 2013 at 6:47 pm
Congrats on the publication, Laurie!! And congrats on 7 years – wooooo! I’m so happy to have seen so much of you three recently